What We Do


Traditionally financial planning has focused on building wealth for clients, yet many clients have not clearly articulated how they want to use that wealth to enhance their life. This often means they don’t focus on a clear and tangible goal and don’t feel a sense of achievement – despite their growing wealth. As Financial Planning specialists, our role is to help you build a clear picture of your unique future, including your personal life goals and aspirations.



We serve an engaged and diverse clientele, providing uncluttered, personalised advice that enhances their quality of life and leads to sustainable and meaningful solutions. We will help to organise and simplify your life in such a way that maximises the whole family’s enjoyment of wealth both now and in the future.



If Sustainable and Ethical investment is important to you, then let us know – because it’s important to us too.  The United Nations definition of Sustainable Investing is “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs”.  We can emphasise sustainability within your portfolio whilst still targeting higher expected returns, so ask us how.


Our Advisory Team

Philippa Elliott (Pippa)
Philippa Elliott (Pippa)Certified Financial Planner, Aged Care Specialist, Director, Owner
Amanda Jarosz
Amanda JaroszCertified Financial Planner, Director, Owner
Laura Lewis
Laura LewisCertified Financial Planner, Owner

“Pippa and the Momentum team have given us sound financial advice over the past 6 years. The holistic strategic approach, combined with unquestionable competence in the financial planning arena, provide us with piece of mind and a secured future for me as well as my family. We highly recommend their services.”

Group Manager HR and IR

“I have been a client of Momentum since 2006 . During this period I have found the staff at Momentum, to be highly professional, knowledgeable and very capable in their respective roles. They have worked closely with me to ensure that I have the right structures and tools in place to maximise my retirement options.”

CEO and Director

Pippa provides the logical, insightful and sometimes brutally honest (but necessary) advice into my financial affairs that I would never be able to come up with on my own, because it’s the insight that only an objective person standing outside looking in can come up with. Why do I choose her to do this? Because I trust her.

Executive Director

“The greatest value I think is the detailed understanding of our needs and our future plans and developing a plan to address our objectives and adjusting the plan when our objectives change or showing us how our lifestyle will have to change if we don´t keep to our plan.”

Client Survey Response

“The greatest value we have gained is the “peace of mind” we have, knowing that the team at Momentum address all our needs in such a professional and friendly way.”

Client Survey Response

“The whole experience with Momentum has been a positive one. The advice has opened our eyes to strategies we would not have considered and helped identify the big hitting items that we need to address to transition towards retirement.”

Client Survey Response

“Not only do you plan and advise, your facilitation gets so much done in such a short time. I’d never have gotten everything done this past year without your help.”

Client Survey Response

Building a Business

We met Geoff and Allison in 2009 when they were in their early 30’s with a young family and both working in employed roles.  Their net wealth was approximately $900k and they had a long list of goals to achieve!  Some of these were: Home renovations New furnishings Subdivision of an investment property and construction.


Medical Professionals

Albert and Nicola, aged 43 are medical professionals with both employed roles in public hospitals and private consulting income.  As high income earners, their primary objective was to ensure they were capturing their surplus income and directing that to effective strategies.


Loss of a Partner

David and Rhonda first approached us in 2006 – David had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and wanted to find the right people to ensure Rhonda and their two children were taken care of.  David unfortunately passed away early in the relationship with Momentum and Rhonda was unaware of all of their financial affairs, including how to access any money from their bank accounts.



Our team of Certified Financial Planners, technical paraplanners and client service officers are ready to work with you.  We’ll help you to organise your financial affairs, build your long term wealth and balance your lifestyle of today with your needs for tomorrow.

Together we will develop your unique life plan and you’ll be impressed, because you won’t have experienced what we do, anywhere else.

Get in Touch